samedi 30 avril 2011

Egestatem et Potestatem

Does it really make a difference if we give out a hand without asking anything in return.?

It does not help, in fact is useless.

Poverty will always exist, misery will always be part of us and *we* not changing anything.

We do it anyway knowingly we are not changing anything at all.


Perhaps the reason we help those under the wrath of misfortune is because we do look for something in return.

We look to learn something about them and also about us.

We are helping to learn about us: to learn about pain and desperately control it.

Control it on us... control it on others.

By "helping" them, we hope to help us.

It is them who are helping us.

It is them who are lending a hand.

At least this is what i think when I extend my arm.

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