vendredi 25 mars 2011


Joan of Arc is coming back for more

mercredi 23 mars 2011

Une saison en enfer

La vie est la farce à mener par tous...

mardi 15 mars 2011

Suppôts et supplications

S'il est difficile de vivre, il devient de plus en plus impossible et inefficace de mourir.

jeudi 10 mars 2011

Sustained Incoherence

"Thought runs you. Thought, however, gives false info that you are running it, that you are the one who controls thought. Whereas actually thought is the one which controls each one of us. Thought is creating divisions out of itself and then saying that they are there naturally. This is another major feature of thought: Thought doesn't know it is doing something and then it struggles against what it is doing. It doesn't want to know that it is doing it. And thought struggles against the results, trying to avoid those unpleasant results while keeping on with that way of thinking. D. B."

mardi 1 mars 2011

I got the spirit, but loose the feeling

Courage is for those who stay.

I am not so sure anything is worth it at the end except on our delusional minds

ou pour ceux qui sont née avec une cuillère d'or... pendant  l’été...